The curiosity of a winemaker, the talent of a great artisan. This is how our grappa is born: from the desire to give value to less considered grapes of our vineyards and from the choice to hand them over to the sensibility of Gianni Capovilla. An experience which for us was like a trip to the “dark side of the moon” in discovery of the added value of the fruit we grow. Originally, we intended to use only nebbiolo Pie’ franco (ungrafted) grapes, but the quantity was not enough for a single distillation; so we added the Rupestris grapes. Capovilla ‒ in our opinion, the most skilled distiller at getting the best out of the grapes after fermentation and at preserving their purity ‒ ages the distilled liquid at cold temperature during the winter months so that it acquires elegance; later, he brings it to the right strength with spring water. The result is a grappa available in limited quantities (less than 300 bottles) but characterised by the polish and purity we desired.